How do I edit my notification settings for a Workplace group?
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If you're the admin of a group, group notifications are set to All posts by default. If you're a member of a group, notifications are set to Highlights by default.
Edit your notification settings from a group
- Go to the group you want to adjust notifications for.
- Click
below the group's cover photo, then click Notifications.
From here, you can choose:
- All Posts: You'll get notifications any time members post in the group.
- Highlights: You’ll get suggested notifications for your group posts based on content you’ve interacted with before. Tags, mentions, comments, reminders, likes and reactions on your posts, group privacy updates, Events and Live video notifications, Safety check and Mark as Important are not affected by the Highlights settings, and you will still be sent a notification for each event. You can control these notification types through the Notifications Settings page.
- Off: You won't get notifications when members post.
Edit Groups notifications from your account settings
- Click your profile picture in the bottom left of Workplace, then click Settings.
- Click Notifications in the left menu, then click Group activity.
Edit multiple Groups notifications in bulk
- From your News Feed, click Groups in the left menu. You may need to click See more first.
- Click Bulk manage in the top right.
Learn more about notifications on Workplace.